Otok Prvić nalazi se oko 1.2 km od
obale, između Šibenika i Vodica. Brodske linije
su redovite, s polascima po 4 puta dnevno iz pravca Šibenika (55 minuta, uz
u Zlarinu i Prvić Luci) i iz pravca Vodica (10 minuta).
Zbog površine otoka od samo 2.5 četv. kilometara, automobilski promet je nepotreban,
zapravo i suvišan. Stanovništvo nekad možda i najgušće naseljenog jadranskog
u prošlosti orijentiranog na proizvodnju vina, danas pokušava pronaći svoje
mjesto u
turističkoj djelatnosti i popratnim uslugama.
island of Prvic is located approximately 1.2 km from the Croatian
main-land near the town of Vodice, and about 8 km from the city of Sibenik.To
reach the
island, one would either fly in to the airport in Split, Croatia, take the
bus to Sibenik,
and there board the ferry for the 55-minute ride to Prvic by way of Zlarin,
or go to Vodice (20 minutes
from Sibenik) and take
the 10-minute ferry ride.
The ferry from
Sibenik stops first at Prvic Luka,
and then proceeds to the pier at Sepurine.
Visitors will find 2 towns on
an island that is about 3.1 km long and 1.3
km wide.
The island of Prvic was once a bustling center of wine production and trade
for the region.
Today tourism is
the main industry, with plenty of rooms and apartments
for rent.
Turistički ured
/ Tourist Office
ured Šepurine, tel.091/5777518
Trgovine / Markets
'Dea' ,vl.B. Vlahov
Pošta / Post Office
Poštanski ured 22234 , tel.022/448377
Crkve / Churches
Uznesenja BDM
sv. mise svaki dan, nedjeljom 9.00
ured , vlč. Božo Škember , tel.022/448291
Brodska linija
/ Ship Line
Rijeka, Poslovnica Šibenik, tel.022/213468
Restaurant 'Ribarski dvor' ,obit. Cukrov
, tel.022/448511